Dear Jacinda,

Dear Jacinda, 

Just trying to plan ahead a bit.  It's great that we and 34 other countries are Covid free (sorry, it's not just us as the headlines suggest) but how does anyone ever come to NZ  for business or a holiday in the future from other countries? 14 days in  quarantine isn't attractive when other countries won't be requiring this.

For many years most countries will still have Covid 19 & Covid-20 etc. and will use self- responsibility  and social distancing (plus loads of handwashing) to keep the curve flattened.  NZ and a few other eliminated bubbles are on our own.

Oh ....the vaccine is the answer.  Silly me of course but what's plan B if there isn't a vaccine?

Just asking as it is important to me and the other 5 million in the team?  

Perhaps you will let us know next week... or the week after... or next year in what cabinet meeting you will decide this, and when you will tell us that you are having that meeting, and of course when such decision will be communicated! 

That will be fine.  Thanks.