Parohe Island Retreat — The Blogs — Equinox Group

Parohe Island Retreat

Social Media Flickering

Social Media Advertising

social media overload

So, like me you are probably a social media flickerer too. Flickering means you scan social media by flicking the screen almost continuously, and only occasionally stop to read the second line or look at a picture .

You have to get through the top 4: Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok 2 or 3 times a day so that is a lot of flickering - and a lot of time.

We just launched our wellness retreat, Parohe Island Retreat and like all business, we were "advised" that social media was the way to go. After 3 or 4 months we have had very little conversion to bookings from the likes of our gorgeous pictures, activities and food.

It stands to reason, if you are flickering through social media you don't have time to stop, exit to another site and book yourself a retreat. You distract yourself and might not get to the end of that sessions feed! Shock Horror! It's very clear you need to go on a retreat as the big 4 have you addicted to flickering - and at Parohe Island Retreat we can detox you away from your phone .

So, social media is great fodder for us flickerers and keeps our addiction relevant, but the reality is if you have a product to sell then you just have to be traditional and push adverts on all mediums, including social media which costs lots of money, time and energy .

Sure you can get lots of likes and followers from the flickerers on social media but unfortunately likes and followers don’t pay the wages!