If Equinox became a
political party,
stood in the elections
and won….
This is what we would do:
Agree a crime and immigration policy with all other political parties and adhere to it for 20 years. Crime and immigration shouldn't be politicised!
Employ the best CEO to run the new New Zealand Health Department and totally shake up health delivery to have access to all drugs, equipment and fully embrace technology. Health should not be run by a Minister of Health or Board Chairs.
Education needs a shake up. Schools and universities should have morning and afternoon sessions, and be able to accommodates twice the amount of students. Half of the school curriculum, when not at school, should be sports, socialising and learning values which are equally as important as Maths and English. Having morning and afternoon school sessions would decrease traffic congestion.
Housing and construction. Remove housing, zoning and infrastructure from all local Councils and leave it to the Government to deal with it. Resource consent will be eliminated if land is zoned. Prepare a 20 year plan earmarking different towns and cities as specialist places for technology, education, sport, manufacturing etc. Move appropriate Government departments to such towns and cities to underpin that use. Large Government projects will only occur during economic dips to ensure construction companies have consistent work always, and can develop and maintain a decent training program.
Tourism. Work out what the infrastructure we have to cope with xx number of tourists per annum, and then target that number rather than the previous policy of let them come and we will sort it out later.
Exports. It's clear that whatever we produce in New Zealand has to travel a long way to sell it. Let us use our high tech skills to get New Zealand goods to markets with minimum planetary effect. This does not mean planting trees to offset!
Agriculture. Over 20 years farms must eliminate reliance on sprays, fertiliser and imported feed. Yes it means dairy herds will have to reduce but this will clean up our waterways and methane exports!
We would reduce MP' s to 50 people only, as the majority of interaction with constituents is now digital. All Ministers would have to employ an expert CEO to oversee the bureaucracy and political vision. This would overcome Minister’s appointments to areas they have zero experience with.
Social Welfare. A hard one, but something to work on when we are in office. Making a political promise before an election makes no sense.
We promise to make a promise regarding social welfare after our first term.
Bearing mind that New Zealand spends approx. $B100 a year on crime, education and health we would like to think we could spend the same amount, but ensure it was twice as effective.
So that's our platform.
We won't get in, however posting positive things feels better than the constant criticism of political parties.